Other News

8th December 2022

We are beyond proud of Lewis who has been working with our clinicians Natalie and Sam as he has been transitioning back to work post TBI. So great to see one of our OSP heroes on the front page and reading about Lewis’ successes in the Shine Magazine! You can read about Lewis and his Mum’s journey here on page 16.

February 2021: NSW Bin Trim Program

Here at Optimal Speech Pathology we think carefully about our environmental impact.  The Bin Trim Program is a free initiative of the NSW environmental protection authority.  A sustainability consultant can come to your workplace and talk through ideas on how you can improve your recycling and waste less.  We found it very practical and achievable and we feel a little bit proud to add this certificate to our collection!  You can find out more about Bin Trim here ckerr@pittsh.com.au 

July 2016 Colleen Kerr: Witness Intermediary

Speech Pathology is a dynamic, diverse profession.  Read the attached extract from this month’s Law Society Journal (LSJ, Issue 24, July 2016 pp. 50-52) describing Colleen’s new role as a Witness Intermediary in the NSW Justice System. 

Click here to read the Journal’s Issue!

October 2016

Colleen’s article from the Law Society Journal has now been reproduced in the Speech Pathology Australia October newsletter – hopefully inspiring other Speech Pathologists to become involved in the vital Witness Intermediary work

Find it here

2 August 2014

MBSImP – This month, Tegan and Colleen completed introductory training in the MBSImP and will be looking to learn more about the system in the coming months. For a demonstration video, click here!

24 October 2013

Dysphagia Staff Training Youtube Resources

14 October 2013

OSP Vox Flyer

7 December 2012

Young Stroke Group – are a group of people who have survived a stroke or brain injury when they were aged 15 to 40 as well as their friends and family, that provides mentoring, support and information.

For clinical information click here. If you are a patient, click here – or contact Lara Friedman at friedmanlara@gmail.com.

25 November 2012

Oral Care Inservice Click here for the link to the slideshow from OSP’s Intro into Oral Care.

29 October 2012

Brain Injury Grants – in the past we have had enormous success with clients securing funding grants for Speech Pathology services through Brain Injury NSW. This includes people post stroke, accident, brain tumour, infection – any acquired brain injury. The guidelines for the next quarter have been released and applications received Nov-Dec will be reviewed and announced between Jan-March next year so the earlier you lodge the sooner your case will be reviewed.  Feel free to contact us or BIANSW for more information. 

26 September 2012

Exciting Announcement: Aphasia on YouTube!

The Australian Aphasia Association in collaboration with La Trobe University 4th year students and The William Buckland Foundation have produced 5 short DVDs about Aphasia, which are now freely available on YouTube.

Essential viewing for anyone working with communication problems, the 5 topics are:

1. About Aphasia
2. A Guide for Friends
3. A Guide for Spouses
4. Kids affected by Aphasia
5. Living well with Aphasia

Find all the videos in the link:  http://www.youtube.com/user/AphasiaAssoc/videos?flow=grid&view=0 

28 August 2012

Aphasia The Movie  

“In the spring of 2010 over 200 professional filmmakers and actors joined forces to chronicle the struggles of Carl McIntyre in the narrative short film Aphasia. In addition to creating a narrative work of art, the film also raises awareness about aphasia and gives hope to those whose lives are affected by this disorder”.   

The movie will premier in Australia as part of the Stroke Conference 2012, so make sure you check out the trailer: http://www.aphasiathemovie.com/Aphasia_Project/Trailer.html