
Aphasia Resources, News and Events for You

Sean O’Brien – Putting Aphasia on the Agenda

What a fabulous way to finish the year.  We just managed to have an article on Sean O’Brien and his advocacy work in aphasia featured in the Rotary Down Under national magazine (Dec/Jan 2019-2020).   This means we’ve dropped the word ‘aphasia’ into around 30,000 homes and the story has already been shared across Australia, NZ and the USA.  We like to think that with every mention of ‘aphasia’ we get one step closer to a supportive world for people living with communication difficulty.   Thank you Sean and thank you Rotary!


Aphasia mini newsletter March 2017


Macquarie Aphasia group research newsletter Dec2016:

Aphasia Research Newsletter

Aphasia Research Newsletter aphasia friendly


Australian Aphasia Conference 2016 (Adelaide) registration and program:


Event Program


Review Article:

Effectiveness of Speech Language Therapy Treatment of Aphasia


Macquarie University Aphasia research newsletter Dec2015:

Aphasia Research Macquarie University

Aphasia Research Macquarie University (Aphasia Friendly)